Hello! This site is dedicated to sharing the beautiful secret messages and hidden symbolism in some of the world's most popular movies. Just click on a movie title heading located to your right, and you are treated to some previews of secret messages from that movie that are offered in the book BURIED MOVIE TREASURES, which is available at Amazon Books at the following link. http://tinyurl.com/8nksm6q

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hidden Messages left out of The Truman Show PT 1

With such an abundance of symbolism and hidden meanings within the movie The Truman Show, much had to be left out of the chapter on this wonderful film. If you read the chapter on this movie in Buried Movie Treasures, maybe you were keen enough to notice a few omissions. Below is a list, and one that may keep growing, of some of the "secret messages" I left out of the discussion on The Truman Show.

Trumans's license plate starts with the letters 816, which is a Bible reference to Romans 8:16, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the “children of God.” As we have established, the show’s creator is a symbol for God, and Truman his “son,” making  then Truman, literally, the “child of god,” as his license plate hints to us.

The neighbor Spencer has a dog named Pluto. In Greek Mythology, Pluto is one of three gods that rule over man, and hence, rule over Truman, since he is a symbol for mankind in this film. The other two gods are Zeus, who rules the heavens, and Poseidon, who rules the seas. Both of these gods also make appearences in the movie. Can you guess where?  
When Truman reflects his dilemma on the beach, lightning flashes on the sea before him. In literature, lightning, or storms in general, are used to symbolize a confrontation coming, or  the "clashing of fronts," as the conflict of the story reaches a head, in our story Truman's longing to search for Sylvia versus his current state of remaining in his unrewarding marriage to Merideth.
In the scene where Merideth is talking to Truman while standing on the basement steps, an out of place statue of the "Phoenix" sits in mid camera shot. As a symbol for rebirth, the Phoenix in our story symbolizes Truman's "rebirth" into a man who will live beyond the illusion of his false life. Later, this legendary bird will reappear somewhere else in the film. Did you notice where?
When Merideth tells truman, "You're a better person than me" for studying so hard for his final exams, she is hinting to us that truman is 'better" than Merideth because unlike her, he is real, in fact the only real person, or Tru-man, in his television world.
When we first meet Truman in the movie, he is acting out a hokey movie scene where he tells his co-mountaineer, "If i fail to reach the summit, carry on without me." As a symbol for "enlightenment," the summit is a place Truman will symbolically fail to reach in our movie, thus urging us, the viewer, to "carry on" without him in our search for enlightenment.
In the scene where Truman, as a child, is climbing the seaside hill before being urged to climb abck down, the hill is used as a symbol for the very same 'summit" just discussed, as laying just beyond the hill was the end of Truman's television world, and the truth of the real one that was just beyond his reach.
Soon, i will reveal more of the secret messages left out of the chapter on the brilliant film, The Truman Show.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012


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The Truman Show Secret Message

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Secret Messages in The Big Lebowski